Q: Is Paoli Pointe a retirement, assisted living or nursing home?
A: No. It is a residential community for active 55+ adults. Article VIII of the condo's Declaration says that an occupant of the unit must be 55+. In the case of a couple, at least one of the spouses must be 55+.
Q: How do I find out what's for sale?
A: Please contact your local realtor.
Q: Are there any hidden fees in addition to the condo fees?
A: No
Q: Are real estate taxes included in the condo fee:
A: No
Q: What is included in the condo fee:
A: Water usage, sewer tax, trash removal, landscaping, snow removal, maintenance of buildings, DISH TV service, internal and external security system, sprinkler system
Q: Does Paoli Pointe recycle?
A: Yes
Q: Can anyone outside of our community view the residents' directory?
A: No. All the residents' information is secured and cannot be accessed without a validated login and password.
Q: What is a buyer's capital contribution?
A: A one-time capital contribution of $500 and a $400 move-in/move-out fee is required at settlement.
Q: Can hardwood floors be installed?
A: Yes, by a licensed and insured contractor. Contractors may work from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday-Saturday.
Q: Are pets allowed?
A: Yes, residents may have: 1-2 cats or a small breed dog or 1 cat and 1 small breed dog.
Q: When can renovations or repairs be made to units?
A: Working hours for outside contractors employed by residents or owners to do renovations or repairs to units are limited to 8:00 A.M.-5:00 P.M., Mondays-Saturday. Residents or owners who do their own renovations and repairs must also limit their work to these hours.